Small World Recruiting

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Side Hustle Revolution

Past generations found a company to work for and then stayed there for decades. But today, we rarely stay in the same job (let alone on the same career path) and we don’t rely on a single income stream. The tools and resources are out there for us to do our own thing, and more of us are going with the entrepreneurial spirit — even if it’s on the side of a traditional job.

Ted Talk Tuesday because YOUR Career Matters

Podcaster and marketer Nicaila Matthews Okome helps survey the scene.

Every Tuesday we post a short TED Talk focused on career development.

Your career matters.  We want you to make the most of it.


We are logistics and supply chain recruiters who dedicate our firm’s resources to helping you develop the best career that you can. Not only do we focus exclusively on supply chain industry placements but we also offer industry focused resume and interview training services. We are happy to make industry connections or introductions for you whenever we can. Small World has candidates and clients all over the world and we belong to a global organization, E4E, which expedities international hiring.

Call us to discuss your supply chain career today. 615-281-5724