Save money while still GROWING your company.

Save money while still GROWING your company.

For some reason, I always like even years better than odd years. At the end of 2019, I said “So long…bring on 2020”. I had no idea that 2020 would be such a mess. A boring, time standing still, days dragging on, stressful, worrisome mess. Can I have 2019 back, PLEASE?

Most of our clients are unsure, like the rest of us, what the near future holds. Within our client base, there is a wide range between still hiring as fast as they can to hanging on to the business by a thread. Most are somewhere in the middle.

No one seems to have the answers. I think we all will need to stay nimble and agile so we can flex where and when we need to flex. Having a plan in 2020 doesn’t seem to work. It’s a go with the flow year.

Over these past few months, I’ve heard from many clients that they need to make a hire but can not afford (or aren’t allowed due to budget restraints) to use an outside recruiter for the search. Cost savings and making wise financial choices is a focus for all companies right now. The problem is that they don’t have the talent internally who can find the people that the hiring managers need for the job. If their talent acquisition team and or HR department had all of the skills, connections, market insight, etc. then they probably wouldn’t be using an external recruitment firm in the first place. Right?

The idea to train their recruiters to find the talent they need came after one of these client conversations. I wanted to help but there is no way that I could conduct the search for free. Doing so would keep us from working on a project that would generate income. Helping a company make a hire means we are helping someone get back to work. For us at Small World, that is always the most important aspect of what we do. That’s when I came up with Recruiter Boot Camp!

I will teach the internal client/company recruiters to use the tips, tricks, and tools that external agency recruiters use to find the best candidates in their respective fields and markets. I will offer this training four times, once each quarter for the next year. The class will be online, interactive, engaging, and will be packet with insightful and useful ways to help you find the talent you need.

It’s the best gift I can give to help companies who are helping people get back to work while keeping our eye on the ball for the clients who still need us. With luck, it will be a win for everyone involved. For the company that takes advantage of this training, the small investment will pay them back for years to come.

While the economy is questionable and pocket strings are tight, this training will offer the ability for companies to grow without engaging external recruiters. At least, in the short term.

Here are some of the things the training will cover.

  • LinkedIn profile update

  • Company branding for recruitment

  • Recruiter branding

  • Social Media recruitment

  • Sourcing and Searching

  • Tools and tricks of the trade

  • Saving time by driving efficiencies

  • ATS and CRM’s

  • Resume reading and reviewing

  • Writing winning job descriptions

  • Designing a consistent interview structure and script

  • Presenting the candidate to the hiring manager

  • Interviewing, Testing and Onboarding tools

  • Hiring for Diversity

  • More…

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Times are tough and with every hire your team makes, it will be like putting money back in your pocket. Sending your recruiters or talent acquisition team to recruiter school makes sense financially.

To learn more about the training visit .

Registration is open and class will be Oct 13, 14, 15th. I plan to hold the training again in January, April, and July of 2021.

The cost is $2000 for your first recruiter/talent acquisition person and $500 for each additional if they attend at the same time.

I’m putting all of the information from the class into an ebook that each participant will receive digitally upon completion. The book will be updated regularly as recruitment tools (chrome extensions, as an example) change.

Acquiring the right talent is the most important key to growth.
Hiring was - and still is - the most important thing we do.
— Marc Bennioff, Founder, Chairman and co-CEO of Salesforce

For more info on the training, email us @