Small World Recruiting

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In today’s climate, it is important to be adaptable and flexible during this challenging year. I mentioned in an earlier post, when referring to the mess of 2020, that we see a large range of hiring situations within our own client base. Some of our clients are frozen with fear, not hiring and not moving forward. Other clients are full steam ahead and have their foot firmly on the gas, racing forward like Ferrari. In fact, it is evident that these clients are pulling ahead of the competition because they ARE hiring. With so much instability and record unemployment, they are acquiring some of the best talent in the industry.

One of the ways we are maximizing on this current employment situation is by offering an online recruiter training class for companies who need to hire but are handicapped by reduced budgets, HR cuts and limited availability to utilize their recruitment partnerships. It is no secret that some companies hire recruiters because they don’t have the ability, experience, knowledge or time to do the sourcing and recruiting on their own. For companies currently in a situation where you have to do it on your own, we developed this class to help you hire the team you need, on your own. During out online training, you will learn how to recruit like an agency big biller. For a one time investment, you are earning ROI every time you make a future fire. You may never need an outside recruiter again.

Send your team to our 3 day (partial days so they can stay caught up at work) to ROCK STAR recruitment boot camp training. learn All of the tips, tricks and Tools from an independent executive recruitment firm owner.

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The second way we flexed into 2020 is by announcing our new hybrid search service, Priority Search. Over the years, we have stepped farther and farther away from Contingent Search because we don’t feel it is the best use of our time and resources. Most often, the client isn’t engaged and occasionally, after committing time and effort, a hire isn’t made. We, essentially, are working for free and taking a gamble on whether it will result in getting paid.

On the other extreme, we offer Retained Search, which may not always be in a clients budget. Retained is a recruiters happy place and while being the most enjoyable way for us to work, it also brings the best results. The client is investing in us and allowing the time to complete the search to the best of our abilities. In Contingent Search, the results are never as solid because often it is a race to the finish with recruiters are competing against each other. When that happens, steps and processes are left out in the essence of saving time. Recruiters often just throw every resume they have at you, screaming “Choose one!” and that isn’t the best thing for the client or the candidate.

With Priority Search, you get the best of both worlds. It’s a middle ground between expensive, retained search, and bargain, contingent search. Priority offers you the benefits of retained search with a more affordable investment. We know that budgets are reduced and purse straps are pulled and it makes sense for us to offer a win win solution for us and you, the client. To engage Small World in a Priority Search, you make an initial, smaller, investment and the remainder is not due until after the new employee starts.

We don’t love contingent, you don’t love retained, let’s meet in the middle.

If you are interested in learning more about Small World, please let us know. CONTACT US TODAY